Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I want to go scuba diving..

Well, from where I left off in my last post, things have been going crazy in this book. At dinner, Theresa and Garrett got to know each other better and for the next couple of days, they were inseparable. Theresa's son, Kevin, was coming home from his vacation with his father so she had to go back home and take care of him because she can't just leave him home alone. He's 12! Then two weeks later Theresa and Kevin both went back to Wilmington to see Garrett and right now he is teaching them how to scuba dive. In the next couple of days, they will have their license to dive whenever they want. That would be so cool! In St. Augustine we wanted to go scuba diving but we couldn't find anything unless we wanted to drive for hours, which we didn't. We were on vacation, we didn't want to drive for hours to do one thing! I have always wanted to go scuba diving or snorkeling. My aunt travels a lot and she loves both. She always talks about it and I can't wait for the day to come when I can actually go diving. I would love to snorkel in a coral reef. Just being in the water, surrounded by hundreds of fish would be so relaxing and calming. Kind of like this book, for some reason. I find it to be an easy read and when I am having a bad day it's nice to know that I can sit down and read and I will feel a lot better. All of Nicholas Sparks' books are like that for me. Well, right now I am in the middle of a chapter so I am going to get back to reading.

Friday, August 26, 2011


For my personality test, I got INFJ. When I read through what that means, I strongly agree with what it says. It says that I have an "exceptionally strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others." I love to help those who need help. I volunteer for many different organizations and enjoy it very much. Some of the careers they recommended for me is early childhood education, law, counseling, librarian, psychotherapist. I actually want to be a vet but I do love little kids.


Books I read this week:

Message in a Bottle by Nicholas Sparks

Pages this week: 164
Pages this semester:164

Sentences this week:

1. "Then go with the tuna or dolphin. They're both delicious."
             - Message in a Bottle

2. "He stopped walking and picked up a couple of small seashells that caught his eye."
             - Message in a Bottle

3. "One time he'd even been chased by a hammerhead shark and was forced to take cover in the wreck he'd been exploring."
           - Message in a Bottle

The first sentence is a little weird. It kind of made me laugh because you never see dolphin on menus in restaurants. I don't like seafood so I would never order dolphin. I like the second sentence because it reminded me of my vacation over sumer break to St. Augustine. My mom and I would go out almost every morning to pick up seashells. I like the last sentence because you wouldn't think that someone would get chased by a hammerhead.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Walk Along the Beach

I am really starting to like this book, Message in a Bottle. I feel like all of Nicholas Sparks's book are similar yet different at the same time. Most, if not all, are about a love story but each one started a different way and is going to end in a different way. Sparks is very descriptive in his writing and it helps me visualize what I am reading. I love being able to visualize what I am reading. It makes me feel almost like I am a bystander in the novel, watching what is going on. In one scene there was an old man walking down a pier with a fishing pole in his hand and he had a parrot on his shoulder. That would be so cool to see in person! I would think that it would fly away but then again, this is a novel, not real life. In another scene Garret and Theresa were walking along the beach and Garret was picking up seashells. Later in the summer my family and I went to St. Augustine Beach and almost everyday my mom and I would go out early in the morning, when the tide hadn't come in yet, and we would find cool looking seashells. We have 2 jars of them sitting on our counter. By the way Sparks described it made me feel as if I was back in St. Augustine again. But I'm not, I'm in Fort Wayne. :(

In the book, Garret keeps asking "what if" questions. "What if she'd waited a couple more seconds before crossing the street? What if he'd gone with her that morning instead of going straight to the shop?" His wife died 3 or 4 years earlier and I feel bad for him. He is still mourning over her and he can't seem to think about anything else. That's when Theresa comes in his life and slowly they start talking. First they went out on Garret's sailboat for a few hours at night and Theresa "forgot" her jacket on the boat. So the next day she went to get it from him and they went out to lunch. After that is when they walked along the beach and saw the man with the parrot on his shoulder. Garret asked her if she would like to have dinner with him that night and that is where I stopped reading. So I will see how things work out over dinner.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Message in a Bottle

So I have been trying to read all of Nicholas Sparks's books and right now I am reading Message in a Bottle. Nicholas Sparks is by far my favorite author. I love to read chick-flicks and love stories. When I first started reading this book I thought that I had read it before. Apparently it is a movie too? I don't know. After the first couple of chapters I realized that I haven't read it. Maybe the beginning is like another book I have read. I don't remember what book though, probably one that I read a long time ago. Anyway, back to the book, the main character, Theresa, finds a message in a bottle, in the ocean, hence the title, Message in a Bottle. It's a long love note written by a man named Garret and addressed to a woman named Catherine. Theresa writes articles for the Boston Times and publishes this letter in the newspaper. A few days later, some lady calls her and says that she found a letter a while back from Garret too. There was also a third letter that Theresa found on the internet. So now she is almost in love with this Garret person and she doesn't even know who he is or what he looks like. The only information she knows is that he might live somewhere near Wilmington or Wrightsville Beach, which is in North Carolina. She is very indecisive and can't decide if she should go look for him or not. If I were her, I would not go looking for him because if someone just showed up at my house and said "Hey, I found your letter in the ocean and I think I might be in love with you," I would be creeped out. I don't know what I would do. So maybe this Garret person will say the same thing as I did, or maybe not. There is only one way to know..

Friday, August 19, 2011

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.