Thursday, August 25, 2011

A Walk Along the Beach

I am really starting to like this book, Message in a Bottle. I feel like all of Nicholas Sparks's book are similar yet different at the same time. Most, if not all, are about a love story but each one started a different way and is going to end in a different way. Sparks is very descriptive in his writing and it helps me visualize what I am reading. I love being able to visualize what I am reading. It makes me feel almost like I am a bystander in the novel, watching what is going on. In one scene there was an old man walking down a pier with a fishing pole in his hand and he had a parrot on his shoulder. That would be so cool to see in person! I would think that it would fly away but then again, this is a novel, not real life. In another scene Garret and Theresa were walking along the beach and Garret was picking up seashells. Later in the summer my family and I went to St. Augustine Beach and almost everyday my mom and I would go out early in the morning, when the tide hadn't come in yet, and we would find cool looking seashells. We have 2 jars of them sitting on our counter. By the way Sparks described it made me feel as if I was back in St. Augustine again. But I'm not, I'm in Fort Wayne. :(

In the book, Garret keeps asking "what if" questions. "What if she'd waited a couple more seconds before crossing the street? What if he'd gone with her that morning instead of going straight to the shop?" His wife died 3 or 4 years earlier and I feel bad for him. He is still mourning over her and he can't seem to think about anything else. That's when Theresa comes in his life and slowly they start talking. First they went out on Garret's sailboat for a few hours at night and Theresa "forgot" her jacket on the boat. So the next day she went to get it from him and they went out to lunch. After that is when they walked along the beach and saw the man with the parrot on his shoulder. Garret asked her if she would like to have dinner with him that night and that is where I stopped reading. So I will see how things work out over dinner.

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