Sunday, November 6, 2011

Another Book Finished!

I finished Ella Enchanted! I got it from the Allen County Public Library and it's due tomorrow so I had to finish it today. I had 88 pages left and it only took me an hour and a half to read. That's really good, if you know me. I am the slowest reader ever! Ella is a really good book. It's a true fairytale! I love fairytales; their so cute. I have never read any of the princess, fairytale type books that are major movies now like Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella. Every girl wants to be like the girl in the movie because they always find their Prince Charming! Towards the end of Ella, Char commanded Ella to marry him but he didn't realize he was commanding her. He just said "Marry me, Ella." Since she is cursed she had to say yes but she recently talked to Lucinda and she said that she was truly sorry for giving her the curse. Because Lucinda said she was sorry, Ella could reverse the spell herself. She told Char that she would not marry him because if she did then her stepfamily would be related to the royal family and could destroy them if they wanted to. When she told him no, the spell was reversed so then she begged Char to ask her to marry her again. He did, of course, because he loved her and they married. Her stepfamily had nothing to do with them for as long as Ella wanted to, which was forever!  This was the cutest story ever! Every girls dream, for sure!
I hope that the public library has a Nicholas Sparks book that I haven't read yet because I am in need of a Nicholas Sparks book! There are only a few that I haven't read yet so I hope that they aren't checked out.

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