Friday, November 11, 2011


I can't believe that we are done blogging for the semester. I will continue to read but maybe not 150 pages a week. Sometimes that is a lot to read but I will definitely keep reading because I love to read. I do think that this class has changed me as a reader. In past years I never really read much because I either didn't like reading (I don't know why) or I didn't have the time. Now I make time for reading. When I had free time in the past, I would usually go watch t.v. but now I go lay down and read a good book. I like being able to go into a different world and being able to completely forget about my life for even just a half hour. In the beginning of this class I would only read Nicholas Sparks's books but now I have been reading Jodi Picoult books. I think I was getting sick of all the sad books Sparks writes so the librarian recommended some of Picoult's books. I really like both authors and I want to start reading Janet Evanovich's One for the Money series. I think there are 17 books out now and my mom said that they are really good. During the summer I will probably read 24/7. Since taking this class I can't seem to stop reading. In the beginning I only read because it was required but now I read because I want to. I really liked this class even though it was/is a lot of work. The vocab definitely will help me out on the SAT and the ACT. I will be taking those next semester so I am glad I had this first semester so I can learn all of the words.

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