Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last Book Response

I found At First Sight at the Allen County Public Library! It's by Nicholas Sparks and I recently found out that this book is a sequel. Lucky for me, I have already read the first book, True Believer. My friend didn't know that is was a series and she read the second book first and is now reading the first book. She says that she still understands what is going on though. Oh well. I am only on page 23 so I don't know much about this book unless you count what I know about the first book. So far, in At First Sight Lexie and Jeremy are engaged and they are going to his parents house so Lexie can meet them. They have only known each other for about 6 weeks, I think, and Lexie is really worried that they will judge her. If I were his parents I would judge them. You just don't get engaged after knowing someone for 6 weeks. That's crazy. But....there's a secret. Lexie is pregnant. That changes everything then but they don't want to tell anybody quite yet. Wanna know why? Because they think people will judge them. On a different topic, I really like the cover of this book:
It's very peaceful and relaxing. If I was reading a book outside I would definitely read it on that swing because swings are fun. I love being outside and in nature so this cover really appeals to me.

This is the last reading response of the year. I am sad but happy at the same time. I am sad because I like getting my thoughts down on what I am reading. On the other hand, writing two of these each week equaling 600 words is a lot. Sometimes I am just too stressed out with other homework that I forget about this. Oh well, it's over now. I think that I will make another blog but make it so nobody else can read it. Then whenever I am stressed but don't want to talk about it, I can write it down here and feel much better. Adios!

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