Friday, November 11, 2011


I can't believe that we are done blogging for the semester. I will continue to read but maybe not 150 pages a week. Sometimes that is a lot to read but I will definitely keep reading because I love to read. I do think that this class has changed me as a reader. In past years I never really read much because I either didn't like reading (I don't know why) or I didn't have the time. Now I make time for reading. When I had free time in the past, I would usually go watch t.v. but now I go lay down and read a good book. I like being able to go into a different world and being able to completely forget about my life for even just a half hour. In the beginning of this class I would only read Nicholas Sparks's books but now I have been reading Jodi Picoult books. I think I was getting sick of all the sad books Sparks writes so the librarian recommended some of Picoult's books. I really like both authors and I want to start reading Janet Evanovich's One for the Money series. I think there are 17 books out now and my mom said that they are really good. During the summer I will probably read 24/7. Since taking this class I can't seem to stop reading. In the beginning I only read because it was required but now I read because I want to. I really liked this class even though it was/is a lot of work. The vocab definitely will help me out on the SAT and the ACT. I will be taking those next semester so I am glad I had this first semester so I can learn all of the words.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Last Book Response

I found At First Sight at the Allen County Public Library! It's by Nicholas Sparks and I recently found out that this book is a sequel. Lucky for me, I have already read the first book, True Believer. My friend didn't know that is was a series and she read the second book first and is now reading the first book. She says that she still understands what is going on though. Oh well. I am only on page 23 so I don't know much about this book unless you count what I know about the first book. So far, in At First Sight Lexie and Jeremy are engaged and they are going to his parents house so Lexie can meet them. They have only known each other for about 6 weeks, I think, and Lexie is really worried that they will judge her. If I were his parents I would judge them. You just don't get engaged after knowing someone for 6 weeks. That's crazy. But....there's a secret. Lexie is pregnant. That changes everything then but they don't want to tell anybody quite yet. Wanna know why? Because they think people will judge them. On a different topic, I really like the cover of this book:
It's very peaceful and relaxing. If I was reading a book outside I would definitely read it on that swing because swings are fun. I love being outside and in nature so this cover really appeals to me.

This is the last reading response of the year. I am sad but happy at the same time. I am sad because I like getting my thoughts down on what I am reading. On the other hand, writing two of these each week equaling 600 words is a lot. Sometimes I am just too stressed out with other homework that I forget about this. Oh well, it's over now. I think that I will make another blog but make it so nobody else can read it. Then whenever I am stressed but don't want to talk about it, I can write it down here and feel much better. Adios!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Another Book Finished!

I finished Ella Enchanted! I got it from the Allen County Public Library and it's due tomorrow so I had to finish it today. I had 88 pages left and it only took me an hour and a half to read. That's really good, if you know me. I am the slowest reader ever! Ella is a really good book. It's a true fairytale! I love fairytales; their so cute. I have never read any of the princess, fairytale type books that are major movies now like Beauty and the Beast or Cinderella. Every girl wants to be like the girl in the movie because they always find their Prince Charming! Towards the end of Ella, Char commanded Ella to marry him but he didn't realize he was commanding her. He just said "Marry me, Ella." Since she is cursed she had to say yes but she recently talked to Lucinda and she said that she was truly sorry for giving her the curse. Because Lucinda said she was sorry, Ella could reverse the spell herself. She told Char that she would not marry him because if she did then her stepfamily would be related to the royal family and could destroy them if they wanted to. When she told him no, the spell was reversed so then she begged Char to ask her to marry her again. He did, of course, because he loved her and they married. Her stepfamily had nothing to do with them for as long as Ella wanted to, which was forever!  This was the cutest story ever! Every girls dream, for sure!
I hope that the public library has a Nicholas Sparks book that I haven't read yet because I am in need of a Nicholas Sparks book! There are only a few that I haven't read yet so I hope that they aren't checked out.

Friday, November 4, 2011


Books Read This Week:
Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult
Ella Enchanted by Gail Levine

Pages Read This Week: 191
Pages Read This Semester: 1882

Favorite Sentences of the Week:
1. "When he saw the treat, he smiled and trotted to me, both hands extended." (Ella Enchanted)
 - This sentence is about a horse named Apple. It reminds me of a horse I used to ride named Clifford. He had to be put down about two weeks ago because he was sick and wasn't recovering well. He was a good horse and he loved treats.

2. "I turned my head and managed to kiss a wing as he flew to perch on a high shelf." (Ella Enchanted)
 - A parrot ordered Ella to kiss him but he kept flying away. For almost five minutes she was running around trying to kiss this bird and she looked ridiculous!

3. the green of trees and bushes;
the blue of lake water;
the red of her jacket
and open collar; the brown
of her pinned-up hair,
and her horse, deep
in the yellow of sunflowers.
 - This is from a poem called "Girl Riding a Horse in a Field of Sunflowers" by David Allen Evans. I really like how it is really descriptive and you can picture in your mind all of the different colors. To me, it's like the perfect definition of summer.

Monday, October 31, 2011

New Book.

Since I finished Sing You Home, I thought that I might need another book to read, right? So now I am reading Ella Enchanted. I know what your thinking. Isn't that a little childish? Well, yes it is but I have a good reason for reading it. You see, I have English 5th period so we have to do an independent reading assignment. My teacher gave us a list of books that we could read and Ella was one of them. But then I found out that our book had to be 250 pages or longer. Ella is only 232 so I had to find another book to read for English. I already started reading this book and I want to know how it ends so I am going to finish reading it for this class. Yes, I have seen the movie but that was a really long time ago and I don't remember how it ends. I only have about one hundred pages left so I will finish it in no time but I figured I would finish it before I get another book.

Ella Enchanted is about a young girl who has to obey every command that she is given. A fairy, Lucinda, gave her this charm when she was born. Her mother thought that it would be a great thing right? Actually no, she had to obey every command. If someone told her to jump up and down for 20 minutes she would do it. Even if someone told her that she had to kill someone, she would have to do it. It's a horrible spell and throughout the book, Ella trys to find Lucinda to erase the spell. So far things haven't gone the way she would like it to. I hope she finds her and the spell is removed. That would make her life a lot easier!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Good book!

I think I spent all day Friday reading this book, but I didn't finish it. I finished it yesterday. Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult is a different kind of book. Basically the whole book is about a court case. In the beginning it leads up to it so the actual court case doesn't happen until the middle of the book.When Max and Zoe were married they tried and tried to have a baby. They couldn't produce one so they used medical treatment to help them out. When they got divorced they still had three frozen embryos. They said that they totally forgot about them when they were deciding who gets what but I don't know if I believe them or not. When Zoe got remarried to Vanessa, obviously they couldn't have a baby the normal way and then Zoe remembered about the embryos. Well, Max didn't want the embryos, for himself, but he certainly did not want the baby to grow up in a household that had two mothers and no father. He said that's not what the Bible says. The Bible says that homosexuality is a sin. So from that point on, the court case is happening and if you want to know who wins, I guess you will have to read it for yourself. The ending is really good. The book keeps you wanting to know more, I guess. During the court case, each side keeps coming up with really good points and you really don't have a clue as to who is going to win until the very last couple of pages. I think the title is important to. Zoe is a musical therapist so I think that's why it has the word sing in it. I think the "you home" part of it is that Zoe is going to sing or bring the embryos home. To which family? Nobody knows...

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sing You Home

For starters, the paragraph on the inside cover of this book is completely different from what the book is actually about. Okay, it has something to do with the book but it mentions nothing about the main "theme". First, in the beginning of the book, Zoe is married to Max. Right now....Zoe is married to Vanessa. This is not mentioned at all on the inside cover. It goes very much in depth into the lesbian lifestyle, something that I am not interested in at all. Maybe, just maybe, if I knew this book would be like this, I might not have picked it up to read. Although I cannot relate to this book, in a big way like I had hoped to, I keep feeling the need to read it more and more. I am on page 246 and a couple of hours ago I was in the 100's. I usually don't read this much but I can't seem to put the book down. I can connect to when Zoe is talking about her job, a music therapist. She is currently meeting with a suicidal teenage girl named Lucy. She keeps saying that music is a way that she can release what she is feeling inside and not feel guilty about it. I know that when I am stressed out I can listen to music and feel much better. That is the only way that I can connect with this book. Maybe I will finish this book this weekend, I don't know.