Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Close-Reading Bingo

Weakness 5. "Full quotations" can't sit all by themselves like a quote island.
Weakness 1. Avoid "he says" quote introductions.
  • In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward.                                                                                                Source:
Weakness 9. Don't say "this" without putting a noun or a noun phrase after it.
Weakness 6. "Avoid the verbs "use" and "shows."
My Favorite Response:
  • In the excerpt from "The Catcher and the Rye," Salinger's noisy, comical banter highlights his childish gullibility. Although he is a teenager, he makes no effort to compose in impressive vocabulary. He describes his childhood with the word "lousy" and a general introduction as "stuff that bores me." On the subject of his parents, he says "they're touchy as hell." Salinger has no boundaries as to what can be said; he lets Holden say what he wants about everything in life. Writing with such a low, familiar diction emphasizes how some teenagers truly feel about their home life and their story.                                                                                                                                             Source:

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