Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Shack

This is a really good book! I don't want to put it down every time I pick it up but I know that I have to to do my homework. It sucks! This book makes you think, a lot. That's for sure. It makes you question things you would have never questioned before. I don't know if I am allowed to right about this because it is a religious book so I will try not to say anything to deep or try not to make anyone believe in God, even though that's the best thing you could do! Mack is now in the shack with three other "people," God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He was brought there so he could grow in his relationship with God because he wasn't in his life after Missy died because he blamed God. They help him understand why Missy had to be murdered and that it wasn't God's punishment towards him. It actually helps me understand the Bible and God more, like why he created evil and things like that. In the book it says that God did not create evil, we humans, did. Which I kind of knew but never really understood until I read that part in the book. I mean, it is still confusing and I will never fully understand it but it sure helps. If you're looking for a book that helps you grow in your relationship with God, then read this! It's amazing!

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