Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Book!

I finished The Shack last week so I found a new book for this week. It's called Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult. Since we have been doing book talks every Monday, Mr. Hill has asked us to say how we became acquaintances with the book. Because this is a new book I think you should know how I found this book. I started reading books from this author last year when Mrs. Kovach told me to read them. I found this book because it was on display in the library and it has the word sing in it. I love to sing and listen to music so I decided that this book would be good for me to read next. It also has it's own soundtrack with it, inside the book! I haven't listened to it yet but I am going to before I finish it. Supposedly it goes along with the chapters and you are supposed to listen to the song before you read the chapter that it corresponds to. I haven't done that but I probably should. So here I am now. Here is a picture of the cover in case you were wondering what it looks like if you wanted to read it:
So far it's really good, just like any other book I have mentioned before in my blog. It's about this girl named Zoe. Right off the bat, I have a connection to it. One of my cats, at my dad's house, is named Zoe. She is really stubborn and ornery so I wonder if Zoe, in the book, will be the same. Anyway, Zoe is a music therapist for mostly burn victims in the hospital. You wouldn't think of a job as being a music therapist but that's what she does. She sings and plays different instruments for people, hoping that they forget about what is happening in their life and just enjoy something different. It works for the most part and she loves what she does. I used to play the piano but I stopped because I didn't like practicing and I had too much homework. Right now at school I am in the beginning concert choir. I was in it last year too and I plan to be in it next year. Music is my life. It calms me down when I am stressed out. I think I will really be able to connect with this book.

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