Thursday, September 22, 2011


I finished my book! It's really, really, really, good. It's defiantly a chick flick, for sure. I had 30 some pages left and I read some in class today after we took are vocabulary test. I couldn't stop reading it so when  I had any, I mean any, free time in my other classes I got it out and read it. I actually finished it at school! The ending is really sad, like I have been saying, and I did all I could not to cry in school.  The ending has a twist to it that I didn't see coming. If there wasn't a twist it would have been good but because it did, it was really good! Oh, I finally found out why Campbell has a service dog. He is epileptic and the dog can tell when he is about to have a seizure. He actually did have a seizure when he was in court and the dog was barking and kept nudging him but he ignored him. Funny thing: the dog's name is Judge so when he was barking in court the actual judge kept telling Campbell to "control his animal." Campbell replied, "No, Judge!" (talking to the dog) and the actual judge thought he was talking to him. It was pretty funny. Well, I don't want to spoil the ending so if you want to know how it ends, read it yourself! Life's tough, I know! Haha.

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