Tuesday, September 20, 2011

My Sister's Keeper

So I have officially cried in My Sister's Keeper. It's really sad right now because they are in court for Anna and it's hard for her to hear what her mother is saying. Her mom is saying all of the procedures that she went through as a child and it's not supposed to be sad but it's hard for the reader to hear everything that she had to go through just to help her sister. If my sister were dying, I most likely would help her and go through as many procedures that were needed. But then again I don't know what I would do because I am not in that situation. I might do the complete opposite and do what Anna is doing. I hope I wouldn't though. I would feel so bad.

On a totally different topic, Campbell, Anna's lawyer, has a service dog with him all the time and everytime somebody new asks him what it's for he says something different. One time he said it was because he was blind, which he isn't. Another time he said it is because he is color blind and can't tell what the stoplight says. Question: If he can't read a stop sign, should he even be allowed to drive? Just a thought.  Another time, (this one made me laugh) he said it was because he has an irregular heart beat and the dog was CPR trained. Question #2: Can a dog really be CPR trained? That would be so cool, you don't even know. I'm starting to wonder myself what the dog is for. If he hasn't said why so far throughout the book, that must mean that he is really self-consious about whatever it is. That's sad that he feels that way. Sometimes I feel that way with my diabetes and all but I eventually realize that there is no cure, at the moment, and just accept what I have and move on. It's a lot easier that way. Then when people ask a question I tell them the truth instead of telling a little white lie and having them ask more questions. Well, I only have about 80 pages left in this book. Then it's on to the next!

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