Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Tenth Circle

I just realized that on my last post I forgot to mention an important part of the book, what the title means. Daniel, Trixie's father, is a comic book artist. At the end of every chapter, which are really, really, long, there is a short, 2 to 3 page comic. They all go together so they make a story. When Daniel was younger, he lived in Eskimo village where he was the only white child. He was always being teased so to cope with the daily troubles, he fought back, but in a different way. He started stealing, drinking and doing drugs. He moved out of the village around the age of 18 because he wanted to be someone completely different. To control his anger though, he drew it in the form of comics. The comic in the book is somewhat related to the story. The characters in the comic have to go through ten circles, or ten levels, to get to the end. That is why it is called The Tenth Circle. When you read the last post you probably wondered why the book was called that. I always like to figure out why the book is called what it's called. I would think that most people read the book and don't even think about why it's called a certain name. I like the books where you don't know why a book is called that until the very end of the book. It creates suspense.

Tomorrow's Friday and I am so excited. This week has gone by so fast. I can't wait to get home and read for hours because this book is really good and I haven't had time to read that much this week. I read a lot last Sunday so I have read 150 pages but I would have read more if I was able to.

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