Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Tenth Circle

Since I finished my book, I have found a new book. It is called The Tenth Circle by the same author, Jodi Picoult. Here's what the cover looks like, in case you were wondering:

I have already read 161 pages in two days. That's how good it is. I can't seem to put it down. It's about this teenage girl who gets raped by her ex boyfriend. Although I can't relate to it, I feel like I can, somehow. Her name is Trixie and she doesn't have a good relationship with her dad. That part I can relate to. My parents divorced when I was around 2 and ever since I have been living with my mom. My mom remarried when I was about 5 and my dad is getting married next summer. I love my step-dad; he is awesome. You would think that I would have a good relationship with my dad since I didn't know what was going on when I was 2 but for some reason I don't. I see him 2 to 3 times a week for about 2 to 3 hours because he is a paramedic. He works for 24 hours and gets 48 hours off. So I guess that I relate to the part about her not having a good relationship with her dad. On a different topic, I don't know how I feel about Trixie yet. Her boyfriend, Jason, broke up with her and then she did everything she could to win him back. That meant going to a party, getting drunk and doing other inappropriate things. So I don't really know if I believe her when she said that Jason raped her. Her side of the story and Jason's side of the story don't completely match up and I can't decide who I should believe. I think that's why I can't put the book down. I want to read more so I can decide who is telling the truth. Only one way to find out, read, read, read!

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